from table generator, you can use Environment -> Modification -> Events.
add event AA = Standard Data Read Routine. Add form routine call f_filter.
assume you have table ztable with field matnr, maktx. And you want to filter the display using selection screen.
so put code something like this at AA Events (f_filter).
selection-screen: begin of screen 9000 title text-t01.
select-options: s_matnr for ztable-matnr.
selection-screen: end of screen 9000.
*& Form f_filter
* text
form f_filter.
data: ls type ztable,
lt type standard table of ztable.
* Call the user-defined selection-screen
call selection-screen 9000.
** Populate the int. table TOTAL
perform table_get_data.
* Delete the records which are not required
loop at total.
ls = <vim_total_struc>. "Copy to local struct.
if ls-matnr not in s_matnr.
delete total. "Remove the record from the TOTAL
endform. "f_filter