We just rebuilt our SAP Demo Landscape, adding 2 dozen new SAP instances of various flavors and upgrading a dozen or more old systems. Over the years, the ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO was configured to say whatever the BASIS staff member doing the work felt like saying at the time of the installation/upgrade but now it is time to standardize these log on screens.
There isn't a whole lot SAP allows you to do with the login message - you can add icons but only as the first characters in a new line and your only choice of color is black and blue if you want to pilfer the U2 FI Heading type. We've used the traffic control icons at times to designate if this is an open in closed system but nothing much more than that.
So I came here to ask y'all what sharp/creative/jazzy things you do with your ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO messages. We want to have fun with it but we need it is be professional, understandable, informational, and free of clutter. I have attached screenshots of three of our current systems - I don't really like any of them much. Any input for this is appreciated.
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P.S. I'd also be interested if anyone knows why there is a picture of a nun biting her tongue while trying to type something on a keyboard in SMW0 in SolMan 7.1.