Hi Raj,
I've used SAP HANA Developer Edition (rev. 68) on CloudShare once. When you applied for the 30 days evaluation successfully, you will get 2 VMs, one is SAP HANA server, the other is Windows7 on which SAP HANA studio and SAP HANA client is already installed.
I did the following things successfully:
OS level:
1. Use remote desktop (the webpage provided by CloudShare, when you click "View VM") to connect SAP HANA server. You can open a terminal and use "top" to see the status of CPU, memory, processes (You will see several hdbxxx processes if SAP HANA is started)
2. Use putty on my laptop to connect SAP HANA server. You can also use "top" to see the status of CPU, memory, processes (You will see several hdbxxx processes if SAP HANA is started)
DB level:
3. Use SAP HANA studio on Windows7 (provided by CloudShare) to connect to the SAP HANA database. Use "hanacloud" as the hostname, since SAP HANA server and Windows7 are in the same environment
4. Use SAP HANA sudio on my laptop to connect SAP HANA database. Use the external hostname
Regarding your problem, I think you can first check if SAP HANA database is already started.
Best regards,