Hi ,
I created smart Data Access setup with Sybase IQ in SAP HANA , all working fine .
Now , I have following questions
Let us assume the following :
userA -->Remote source owner
userB --> Have permission to create vitual tables and use virtual tables created by UserA.
DataSource --> Sybase
virtual table created by A --> vtableA
virtual table created by B --> vtableB
Sybase IQ user --> iquser
From my point of view HANA user is typical application user , that creates ODBC connection to remote source coonected to HANA
to my knowledge this is the workflow of the SDA
1. From which user HANA creates ODBC connection with Sybase IQ when UserA executes queries in vtableA
2.. From which user HANA creates ODBC connection with Sybase IQ when UserB executes queries in vtableA
3. From which user HANA creates ODBC connection with Sybase IQ when UserA executes queries in vtableB
4. From which user HANA creates ODBC connection with Sybase IQ when UserB executes queries in vtable B
5. Is there trace file that track ODBC connections in SAP HANA ?
6. Is there any recommended way to Manage SDA from security perspective ?
Please correct me in case if my assumtions are wrong !