If SAPUI5 / Javascript is completely new to you, I *strongly* suggest you train yourself in Javascript first. Without prior knowledge of Javascript it really makes no sense learning SAPUI5, since it involves quite a bit of Javascript programming.
(The reason I'm mentioning this: You started out with a JSONView, but the code you provided is Javascript. Either create a JSONView and construct your table in a JSONView manner, or create a JSView with Javascript code to build your table. On a sidenote, I have never seen anyone using JSONViews anyway, so if you have the choice, use XMLViews (recommended) or Javascript Views)
If you're already familiar with Javascript, I strongly advise to try some simple exercises first before deep-diving into OData connectivity. Just try and understand the basics of SAPUI5 (The MVC concept, databinding, etc)
But if you really want to, have a look at this excellent blog : Consume NetWeaver Gateway services via SAPUI5 - Part 1