Error when trying to invoke a Synchronous Stored Procedure on Oracle
Hi Experts, I am trying to invoke a Synchronous Proxy in Oracle from SAP PI. This is the request XML that is generated. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>-<ns0:Price_Order_Request_MT...
View ArticleError Development SAP Android Mobile app
Hi, At the time of data synchronization .. presented me the following error:
View ArticleRe: Sessions not being released in SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.0
BI4.1 has many improvements with session management and with 4.1 SP3, there is even the ability to kill sessions as described here:Kill Session in BI4.1 SP3The general feedback I have heard from...
View ArticleRe: Same select max is very slow in one program but fast in another
if you analyze your query you will see that you don't use index since in table mkpf both indexes contains fields mandt and you doesn't have mandt field in where clause. In table mseg you have 4 indexes...
Hi Justice My suggestion would be to make the fields and queries varchar and not numeric. Then try the following query to detect the text in OpeningReading and bring back the text or do the...
View ArticleRe: SAP BODS Delta data is not being updated
Hi Chintan- Did you able to figure out the issue ? If so can you please post the details ?
View ArticleAyuda SP Para Evitar que Empleado de Ventas Utilice una norma de Reparto...
buenas tardes, me cree este Sp para intentar evitar o restringir que cuando el empleado de ventas o vendedor cuyo SlpCode = '4' y utiliza la norma de reparto diferente a 007 osea el...
View ArticleRe: Folder name in cFolders back end tables?
Hello Cathy, Are you referring to the GUID of a Folder stored in KM in the portal located under Content Admin > KM Content? Or are you referring to something else? Were the authorisations changed...
View ArticleRe: why /SAPAPO/TS_REALIGN_COPY job is taking huge time to finish?
Citing just from memory Deleting source CVC's during realignment can increase speed of this program Also check if you have time series locks registration on in Prod (TS_LOCKS) I am no expert. Rest is...
View ArticleRe: Error en Query : [SQL Server] Error de Division entre 0
Buentas Gabriel,Creo que lo que te falta es evaluar el valor de T1.Line Total antes de hacer la operacion. Agregale un case para establecer cuando es valor cero. Quedaria asi, Case when T1.LineTotal...
View ArticleRe: Not getting subscription option in the settings menu of any folder
Hello Nitin, Did you check if the "subscription" and "Properties" repository services are both enabled on the repository manager for the repository involved? What permissions and service permissions...
View ArticleRe: Help with difference in Create Customer UI
Hi, Kiran is right. Have a look to the MDG-C configuration guide here...
View ArticleRe: Custom Component for Design Studio using SAPUI5
What does this have to do with your question about extending a SAPUI5 component? And by the way, the HTML Template is an HTML/JS/CSS injection tool (which by the way, updates HTML DOM as soon as you...
View ArticleRe: Error data dates
Hi Hernando, I'm not clear what the intention, you want is to validate these data do not happen in PRO?, as Sebastian says is a problem in the data are filled in ECC, so BW is not responsible for these...
View ArticleRe: landscape parameter in distributed environment
Thanks Jansi but it is not solving my problem. my servers are of ERP and i need to give path for logs. if you can please help me with that
View Articlehow to specify PACKAGE SIZE for to RFC_READ_TABLE from PyRFC?
I'm trying to use PyRFC to extract large tables via RFC_READ_TABLE (due to an uncooperative/unsupportive basis team). I know that RFC_READ_TABLE supports calling it with PACKAGE SIZE since ERPConnect...
View ArticleRe: Failed to access directory /sapmnt from host XXX.
HI Veysel Imamoglu thanks for your help. i really appreciate it. while working on managed system configuration in the step landscape parameter at one place we have to give path to the folder of logs of...
View ArticleThe Record select is excluding rows
The following record select formula, is not showing rows which we want to see. The user passes a month and year param and then we show the not soldfor that month year as well as the previous month....
View ArticleRe: Custom Component for Design Studio using SAPUI5
I am trying to create a page using the HTML template Design Studio 1.2/1.3 SDK - Design Studio Utility Pack. I am using jquery to introduce some animations to my HTML template. To customize the HTML...
View ArticleRe: System REFRESH without REC/CLNT OFF
Hello Dev, Archive logging and other logging to be switched off is a pre-requisite to run TDMS as TDMS creates a lot of logs when you are doing a transfer using TDMS. This will result in the log files...
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