Hi, I need to create CRM Claim as followup of ERP Billing document.Can anyone tell me how to implement it.1. I need to searh for ERP Billing documents in CRM WEB UI. --> Can I use RFC FM call in...
View ArticleRe: Delta load fails in 7.x flow for transactional data
Hi, The steps are ok. but you can write routines to avoid this problem. -Sriram
View ArticleRe: Implementing Business Function "LOG_MM_SSP_1" in SAP ECC MM
Hi Ruud, I've sent my contact details to your Gmail account. Regards, Sjaak
View ArticleRe: 500:internal server error
Hello Jaya, can you check the log viewer in the NWA? There should be some more useful information for this error.And maybe it's my eyes, but the screenshot is too pixely to make out details on it. :/...
View ArticleRe: Error in phase PREP_INPUT/DETMAINMODE (Upgrade from 620 to ERP 6.0 EHP 4)
Hi, Yes, I´m using SUM for upgrade.I´ve already read this note. Thanks for your reply! Do you have another hint for me in this case? Regards,Manuel
View ArticleDelimit Infotype
Hi Experts, What are the ways by which I can delimit an infotype. The delimiting has to be done based on the system date for a selected group of employees. Thanks.
View ArticleRe: not getting the data by using the services
Hi, Directly we are exposing this service from Hana data base by using .xs application in hana cockpit. Regards,Hemanth
View ArticleRe: Data upload - LSMW vs SCAT
You have to ask the users who use SCAT (probably SECATT since SCAT got replaced by it) instead of LSMW to know the exact reason.Both can be used to load data by recording method. While SECATT's main...
View Articlereverse formatter in ui5
Hi Guys, I have learned UI5 for a few weeks, and have one questions about ui5. there is Formatter that could be used as transformer of data format from model property to ui element property. but is...
View ArticleRe: Delta load fails in 7.x flow for transactional data
Hi, Your steps are correct.But it happens so many times then you need to act as suggested by sriram or ask your R/3 team that your source data format need to correct at source level itself so that you...
View ArticleRe: How to set nullable properties to null?
Hello Vobis, This is how u get as response even if u make it null-able with the check box provided at the property level. U get false and 0 as values. Regards,Ashwin
View ArticleRe: SDA connection to Oracle 12c
Hi Lars, Thank you very much fro the reply. I mention the SQLPLUS and ISQL from a progressive perspective i.e. no ODBC - ODBC and then an attempt from Studio. Theses two actions both took place from...
View ArticleRe: BI Platform and IIS vs. Apache webserver
Hi Bill, You've mentioned that you're using Apache Tomcat as your web application server. In this case, it'd just be simpler to use Apache as your web server as well! As Jawahar has mentioned there is...
View ArticleURGENT - Unable to access Stored Procedures via SAP PI
Dear Experts, we have a scenario SOAP <-->PI <-->JDBC (Synchronous) and we are trying to access Stored Procedures using PI (7.31 Java only stack),We have developed the receiver structure as...
View ArticleReport Writer GR52 subtotal issue
Hi, I have a problem when creating a report painter. I have 3 columns : X001 , X002 , X003 with the formula in X001 = X002 * X003 in the colomn X001 : each row is displayed correctly but not the last...
View ArticleRe: GetNewObjectCode Method of Company Object
Hi Eric, It is not specific to my process. In general, in a concurrent multi user environment, these kinds of things can happen. What that different way can be? Like I store a unique UDF (may be a GUID...
View ArticleRe: How to assign custom name to the report exported as mail attachment
Take control of the process by a) exporting to a desired file name and format, and b) emailing the resulting file.
View ArticleRe: SAP Web IDE local: extension project
There's some checks when generating a project to verify that a few files have been created. It shouldn't be effecting the outcome in any way. Are you having any issues running the project afterwards?...
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