Material not in use sales process at company code Level!
Hi, is there any way by which We restrict a material not to use in other Company Code in sales process but in stock transfer we can send the material to another company code?
View ArticleRe: FMS - auto populate value in UDF
Hi, Try this query: select RTRIM ($[$3.1.number]) + CONVERT (varchar, $[$10.1.0], 103) from OVPM where docentry = $[OVPM.docentry] Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
Dear UMAKANTH ji , You are correct she can use the IT 0027 for maintaining the cost center but iam proposed him how without removing the integration switch PLOGI ORGA...
Dear sir , You are correct she can maintained the cost center in IT0027 . but I am proposed her how without removing the integration switch PLOGI ORGA. The cost center filed is active .
View ArticleRe: Seasons per period
James, Could answer to me question that I sent to you about this stuff in jan, 04, 9:09PM? Thank youRegardsNestor
View ArticleUpdate custom field in IT0001 via SAP_PA
Hi, We have added couple of custom fields in IT0001 in ECC. These fields are available in the IT0001 screen structure (HCMT_BSP_PA_US_R0001) in SAP_PA. The only problem is updating these fields back in...
View ArticleRe: "Unidentifiable error in program" when loading Infopackage with Hierarchy
Hi Sergio, Could you please share more information like how you fixed? I too have the same issue. Thanks!
View ArticlePlanning Buckets = Storage Buckets ?
Dear DP Experts, I can probably test this quickly but I am on the road and need some answers based on your experience. While I ask the questions below, I am aware that SAP provided this option of "set...
View ArticleRe: Update of FM account assignments on Partner Items
Hi Carlos, have a look at the recommendations/guidelines of the note: 686383 FM integration in contract AR and AP Restrictions Regards César
View ArticleRe: Dashboard discussion
Hi Mathur, I want to connect SAP Infoview to my Xcesius dashboard. But I don't have Live office. Is there other way to generate report using Webi Infoview? Thanks, Rabi
View ArticleRe: Filter a table based on two columns
Hi, You just need to combine the two filters, i.e. oBtn = new sap.ui.commons.Button({ text: "Search", press: function () { var filterValue = oSearch.getValue(); var oFilter1 = new...
View ArticleRe: Gap rounding after currency translation
If everything is configured properly, then, anyway the tasks with the posting level 10 may cause the problem with the rounding.
View ArticleRe: Package $EQ_GEN does not exist, or more authorizations are required
Hello Radek, I am assuming that this issue might have been solved by now. If yes, can you please share the resolution?We are facing similar kind of issue now. Thanks and Regards,Kiran
View ArticleRe: Excel Integration in TM 9.0
Hi Sandra. Interesting... you have downloaded the excel and it is write protected? You just need to download, update the data in the excel spreadsheet, save and upload it to TM. BTW... I'm using 9.0...
View ArticleliveCache index for /SAPAPO/ORDKEY
I'm a little bit confused about the LC-related indices. Why can't we find the indices in SE11? I mean, after implementing the BAPI given from NOTE 749824-secondary index on table /SAPAPO/ORDKEY,...
View ArticleRe: SAP Business Objects Webi Issue
HI Sunil,looks like you are correct here.. looks like previous work just fine cross tab just like a regular table.. I always use relativevalue function in most cases so I have misses this use of...
View ArticleRe: customer last key date not updating from f.2b
Tracy, The date in this field displays the last time the interest calculation program processed this account. It is clear that the system did not include customer in question in interest calculation...
View ArticleRe: Vinculando Relatorio ao form ativo
Perfeito, Funcionou perfeitamente como você descreveu. Muito obrigado pela ajuda.
View ArticleEmail Parameter - %LINK_APPROVE_REJECT%
Hello, We’ve decided to use Enterprise Portal for the front-end of GRC. Right now we have the parameter “%LINK_APPROVE_REJECT%” within our email messages. When testing the links they bring up the...
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